Materials needed:
- Stickers
- Cardstock
- Scissors
- Lamination film / Clear Contact Paper
- Domino / Matching Game Template (Click link to download)
- Avery Magnet Paper (optional)
This project is simple, and easy to put together in just a few minutes. This is one that the kids can work on right along side of you.
The domino/matching game can be created with any color card stock, or any type of stickers. For my example I chose to use 2 colors of pastel cardstock to make a matching game. I selected a package of baby farm animal stickers which would match well with the farm theme.
1. Print off the domino/matching game template onto cardstock. Using a template makes it easier to keep the game pieces the same size, and it saves time having to draw it out onto the individual pieces of paper. Print out as many sets of domino/matching game pieces as desired.
2. Cut out the individual game pieces, leaving the line in the middle. This provides you with 2 halves in which to create dominoes OR you can create a matching game as shown in the example.
3. Select the stickers for your project. Stickers don't have to be acid free, as you will be laminating over top of them.
4. Place the stickers onto the domino/matching game pieces as desired. In the sample, one animal sticker fit perfectly on each square of the game piece.
5. After the stickers are secure on the game pieces, laminate it for durability using a heated laminator or clear contact paper.
Now you're ready to play!
Follow me on Pinterest for more inspirational ideas for classroom projects, and learning resources!
P.S. We had our first babies of the season on February 7th. There will be anywhere from 15-20 more being born between now and the 3rd week of March! This is what I do when I am not working on new projects, and creating! :)
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