Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I grew up in a small town in Washington state. I was fortunate to go all the way through school with the same friends. The cool part about Halloween in a small town is that everybody knows each other, and all of the kids went around together trick or treating.
I created this card game last year for a publication, and I thought it would be fun to share it with you for your students. The instruction sheet, colored and bw cards are included in the download. This would make a fun treat for students in lieu of candy! Click on the link below the photo to download! :)
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You'll find that I also really like creating resources that use materials that you have on hand. With budgets already stretched, there is generally not a lot of funds to buy the extras. In the coming days/weeks, I will be featuring more activities and crafts that incorporate materials that you may have on hand. I also will share with you my tips for using Dollar Store materials to create learning centers!
~ Crayonbox Learning Newsletter ~
I am excited to share with you that I will be publishing a newsletter bi-monthly! If you look on my sidebar to the right of the page, you'll see a sign up box for my newsletter! Twice a month, I will be publishing a newsletter that comes with an exclusive freebie, tips/hints, techie tidbits, exclusive offers and much more! This is a FREE newsletter, only available to those who opt in. It takes just a minute to subscribe. The first issue will be published on October 15th! ~See you there!~
For just 1 more day, my exclusive Fall Learning Bundle is available on Educents. The Fall Learning Bundle was put together for the $15.00 frenzy. Click on the link below to see all of the materials included in this collection.
Fall Learning Bundle